Logo for Bromham Benefice

Bromham Benefice

Anglican Churches of Bromham, Oakley and Stagsden


It is worth checking our website before leaving to attend a service.

Sunday 16th March

9.00am Holy Communion- St Mary’s Oakley
10.30am Communion Service with hymns- St Owen’s Bromham*
*this service is live streamed via Zoom please use the following link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/848 0690 8170
Meeting ID: 848 0690 8170
Join by phone:
0203 481 5237 United Kingdom
0203 481 5240 United Kingdom
0131 460 1196 United Kingdom
0203 051 2874 United Kingdom

Tuesday 18th March

11.30am Holy Communion followed by light lunch- St Owen’s Fellowship Room Bromham

Sunday 23rd March

9.00am Holy Communion- St Owen’s Bromham
10.30am Communion with hymns- St Mary’s Oakley

Lent Groups

Mondays 10th Mar- 7th Apr 2pm- 3.30pm St Owen’s Fellowship Room Bromham
Wednesdays 12th Mar- 9th Apr 7pm- 8.30pm on Zoom use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83920842278